Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Steps

Last July (2012) I took the first step. I joined the gym by my house. I was inspired by Chris Powell's Extreme Weight Loss Makeover TV show. I mean, just about everyone on the show had just as much weight or close to what I need to lose. And, they did it! Why couldn't I? So, I bought the book. Read the book. Started carb cycling. Going to the gym. Dropped 40 pounds. And, I was only doing the program halfway, if I'm honest with myself. The premise of the carb cycling was that one could have a cheat meal every other day if that's what it took to keep the clean eating on schedule. Well, my cheat meal came...every day. I did not minimize the amount of fast food I was eating, or the diet sodas (or regular ones, for that matter). Sure, I ate a few more green vegetables (not hard when you eat none). I went to the gym. Like I said, I lost 40 pounds. Then, I got sick. And off track. And finally just abandoned ship completely. In no time, I was back to eating fast food three meals a day. That's where I camped out pretty much until April 2013. I gained back 25 of the pounds I had lost. 

I did the typical New Year's Resolution. Going to make a healthy change. 2013 is going to be my year. And then, January 2nd rolled around. Okay, I'm kidding. Maybe not the 2nd. But it wasn't long. I kept meaning to go back to the gym. Really. I allowed too many things to get in my way. 

Fast forward to March 2013. Sara is going to join with me. So, we go to the gym to sign her up. One of the gym's trainers is there. He introduces himself to us. Then, he says Sara gets two free sessions and we should sign up to use them. I'm pretty sure Sara a d I laughed and said something the effect of, "maybe when we lose some weight. Fat girls have no use for trainers because we cannot do anything substantial." Every month at the gym, our wonderful h2i, Jenn, puts birthdays on the wall. At the end of March, A friend of mine (Cynthia) that I hadn't talked with in a good long while messaged me on Facebook and asked if I went to Anytime Fitness Mt. Pleasant. I think my answer was, "kinda sorta." So she encourages me to come work out with her. So I did. Then, she tells me she is part of Body Challenge 6. What is Body Challenge 6? That's a whole separate post. Maybe I will ask her to guest blog about it. As a side note, I can't wait for Body Challenge 7! 

Then, she tells me she has been working with a personal trainer. Yep, you guessed it. The same trainer that had introduced himself to us when Sara joined. Enter, Danny. 

Stay tuned for the next segment...it only gets better from here. 


It's been awhile....a good long while

It has been a good long while since I have felt anything but self-hate and negativity toward myself. I tried not to show it on the outside, ...