Wednesday, October 7, 2015


It's been nearly 3 months since I posted. Oops. There has not been much to report in the weight loss arena - in fact, if I am honest, I've gone backwards in my way of thinking. Recently, I've decided to recommit to my changes and that is going to be harder than ever.  To help kickstart my own journey back into gear, I signed up to be an Independent Beachbody Coach. It was so much easier for me o go to the gym at 5:00 a.m. when it was right around the corner from me, but now, the gym is about 20 minutes away! It makes it harder and harder to get out of bed!

My first day on the journey will be Saturday - mainly because I have not had the time to prepare. I have a freezer full of chicken and steak and fish, so I am really going to try and fix it all up nice and healthy-like next week! I miss my clean eating days.

Change is inevitable. It's how you react to change that shows your strength. I have not shown great strength in this phase of my life, but I am recommitting right here right now that I am doing it. For me. For no one else. I love myself and part of that is because I've fought hard to become her. If I give up now, I have wasted thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours. Bottom line - I will not quit. I may struggle, I  may have a cheat meal, I may fall off the wagon. But, the whole point is to get back on.

It's been awhile....a good long while

It has been a good long while since I have felt anything but self-hate and negativity toward myself. I tried not to show it on the outside, ...