Monday, February 9, 2015


What is #JourneyToStrong?

#JourneyToStrong can be whatever you want it to be. It's all about a journey that defines you. Your struggles, your achievements, and your journey. 

As most of you know, for the better part of two years, I have been on my weight loss journey. I have successfully lost 200 pounds and maintained a loss of about 175 pounds. I'm still working to lose that other 25 again. 

On April 10th I will be undergoing a major surgery to remove the excess skin from midsection, back, hips, backside, and top of thighs. I am blessed that although it is not normally covered, the insurance company is paying for the surgery outside the deductible. This surgery easily costs over $100k with the anesthesiologist, surgeon, surgical team, medications, etc. 

I have appreciated all of the prayers and support you all have sent my way through this journey. I have felt every prayer the whole way through. 

Please don't stop now. Along with the surgery will come many expenses. I know for sure I will be out of work for 4 weeks. Currently I have almost 2 weeks of
Vacation time built up, but thereafter I am at home without pay. I know that God will provide. He always has during this season. 

How can you help?

Christy Bodnar and Faith Akers are organizing a virtual 5K. If you sign up, From March 10 - April 10 you must complete a 5k. The beautiful thing is that you don't have to do it all at once! You can build on it every day until you're your goal! Submit your time and at the end of the race you'll get a specially designed MEDAL just for finishing. Who doesn't love a good medal?!? Cost for the virtual
Race is $20 and the link for registration will be posted soon. 

I love each and every one of you that reads these posts, that cries with me, laughs with me and celebrates with me. 
God bless each one of you on your #JourneyToStrong


It's been awhile....a good long while

It has been a good long while since I have felt anything but self-hate and negativity toward myself. I tried not to show it on the outside, ...