only 90 days remains… 90 days… Seems like forever until you realize that in 90 days your life will change. It's hard to believe that in 90 days my dream will become a reality. For those of you who do not know, in 90 days I will be having excess skin removal, more commonly known as a circumferential body lift. I will be out of work for at least four weeks and possibly longer. It is my hope that this surgery over the long term will allow me to do more physically, and really strengthen me. I want to be able to do a real Burpee, and a real push-up and a real pull-up. Sounds crazy, huh? If I'm honest, I am petrified. I am scared that the results won't be exactly what I am vision, mostly because I really don't know what to envision. I am scared that I will fall back into old eating habits, As this is not unusual for people who have a food addiction. I am so excited to see what else the world has to offer. I'm excited to try new things, and not be hindered by weight. I'm excited to be able to go to Busch Gardens, to amusement parks, to do whatever I want.
He recently, I was blessed… I found out the insurance company was covering the majority of the surgery. This is a surgery that I was told would never be covered. Instead they're covering about 95% of the cost. Now, this is still going to be an expensive endeavor. I still have my insurance deductible, and I will likely have time off of work without pay. But, I'm confident that all of this will be worth it. This is just one more step in the road to becoming a healthier me.
Over the course of the next 90 days, I am going to try to blog daily, But if not daily, then at least on a weekly basis. I've pretty much given myself a strict diet and a strict workout plan. After all, it's only for 90 days right? If I follow this diet for the next 90 days, I will be excited when the hospital food comes around! I am trying to go back to two a day Gym cycles starting next week, and continue those through the time the doctor tells me to stop. After all, I will have about six weeks of rest headed my way.
Your thoughts and prayers are most coveted during this time. If you have a goal that you want to reach, why not set a 90 day challenge for yourself? We can keep each other updated and challenged and encouraged. If you'd like to join in, please just let me know.
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