Sunday, June 15, 2014


Truth be told, I am weary.  Weary of eating a certain way.  Weary of making fitnessy priority.  Weary of counting calories.  Weary of early morning workouts and weary of late night workouts. I was just weary. Or so I thought. 

I was weary. Weary of trying to impress people. Weary of being a "closet foodie" and not just enjoying something in moderation. I was selfish and focused on how others would view me. 

Today is a new day. A new goal. I'm doing this for me. I'm going to finish this weight loss journey and not focus on pleasing others or being "awesome" on their eyes. I'm doing this for me. For my health. For my dreams and aspirations.  

I was talking to a friend last night and she said that she always felt like people put her on a pedestal of what healthy should look like because she lost a lot of weight and looked amazing. I told her that I kind of felt the same weight loss journey has been phenomenal, but I feel as though I am greatly disappointing someone if I go to a party and eat a piece of cake or whatever the case may be. I can't dwell on that. That is self-imposed misery and is not healthy for anyone. The bottom line is that this is a lifestyle change. I truly believe that although I have times when I choose to eat off plan, I have changed my thought process toward food. That's what counts. 

You may not agree with everything I have said in here and what I do may not work for you. But here is what I know when it comes to me...completely depriving myself all the time isn't feasible. It only makes me cranky and more likely to binge eat later on. So for me, I  choosing to eat clean 6-1/2 days a week and eat something I want, in moderation. 

Here's to a healthy and happy, maintainable lifestyle. 

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